Lisa Meehan, Gail Pacheco, and Thomas Schober (2024). Literacy and numeracy skills and life-course outcomes: Evidence from PIAAC and linked administrative data. The Australian Journal of Labour Economics.
Iusitini, Leon, Gail Pacheco, and Thomas Schober (2024). Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on childhood vaccine uptake with integrated administrative data. SSM - Population Health.
Lisa Meehan, Gail Pacheco, and Thomas Schober (2023). Basic reading and mathematics skills and the labour market outcomes of young people: Evidence from PISA and linked administrative data. Economic Record.
Martin Halla, Gerald J Pruckner, and Thomas Schober (2022). “Paying adolescents for health screenings works”. American Journal of Health Economics. [working paper version]
Friedrich Breyer, Normann Lorenz, Gerald J Pruckner, and Thomas Schober (2022). “Looking into the black box of ‘medical innovation’: rising health expenditures by illness type”. The European Journal of Health Economics.
Andrew J Hill, Gerald J Pruckner, and Thomas Schober (2022). “Childhood Obesity and Health Care Utilization: Empirical Evidence from Austrian Administrative Data”. Childhood Obesity.
Thomas Schober and Katrin Zocher (2022). “Health-care utilization of refugees: evidence from Austria”. International Migration Review 56.3, pp. 810–842.
Gerald J Pruckner, Nicole Schneeweis, Thomas Schober, and Martina Zweimüller (2021). “Birth order, parental health investment and health in childhood”. Journal of Health Economics 76. [working paper version]
Alexander Ahammer and Thomas Schober (2020). “Explaining variations in health care expenditures – What is the role of practice styles?” Health Economics 29.6.
Gerald J Pruckner, Thomas Schober, and Katrin Zocher (2020). “The company you keep: health behavior among work peers”. The European Journal of Health Economics 21, pp. 251–259.
Thomas Schober (2020). “Effects of a measles outbreak on vaccination uptake”. Economics and Human Biology 38. [working paper version]
Gerald J Pruckner and Thomas Schober (2018). “Hospitals and the generic versus brandname prescription decision in the outpatient sector”. Health Economics 27.8, pp. 1264–1283.
Alice Sanwald and Thomas Schober (2017). “Follow your heart: Survival chances and costs after heart attacks – an instrumental variable approach”. Health Services Research 52.1, pp. 16–34. [working paper version]
Martin Halla, Gerald J Pruckner, and Thomas Schober (2016). “Cost savings of developmental screenings: Evidence from a nationwide program”. Journal of Health Economics 49, pp. 120–135. [working paper version]
Thomas Schober and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (2011). “Gender wage inequality and economic growth: Is there really a puzzle? – A comment”. World Development 39.8, pp. 1476–1484.
Working papers
Simon Baumgartner, Alex Stomper, Thomas Schober, and Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (2022). Banking on Snow: Bank Capital, Risk, and Employment. Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Working Paper 2210
Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Martin Halla, Alexandra Posekany, Gerald J. Pruckner, Thomas Schober, “The Quantity and Quality of Children: A Semi-Parametric Bayesian IV Approach”, Department of Economics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Working Paper 1403
Research reports
Iusitini, Leon, Gail Pacheco, and Thomas Schober (2023). Assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on childhood vaccine uptake with integrated administrative data. NZ Work Research Institute, Auckland, NZ.
Lisa Meehan, Gail Pacheco, and Thomas Schober (2022). Literacy and numeracy skills and life-course outcomes: Evidence from PIAAC and linked administrative data. NZ Work Research Institute, Auckland, NZ.
Lisa Meehan, Gail Pacheco, and Thomas Schober (2022). Reading and mathematics skills and the life-course outcomes of young people in NZ: Evidence from PISA and linked administrative data. NZ Work Research Institute, Auckland, NZ.
Johann Bacher, Koblbauer Christina, Lankmayer Thomas, Pruckner Gerald, Rigler Sandra, Schober Thomas , Tamesberger Dennis (2016). “Psychische und physische Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigungen im Jugendalter”, Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz (BMASK).
Martin Halla, Gerald J. Pruckner, Thomas Schober (2016) “Programmevaluierung: Gesundheits-Check Junior”, Sozialversicherungsantstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft.
Martin Halla, Gerald J. Pruckner, Thomas Schober (2013). “Evaluierung des Vorsorgeprogramms Selbständig Gesund”, Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft.
Thomas Schober, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer (2011). “Ältere Arbeitnehmer, gesundheitliche Einschränkungen und Übergänge in den Ruhestand”, Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Soziales und Konsumentenschutz (BMASK).
Non-refereed publications
Gail Pacheco, Lisa Meehan, and Thomas Schober (2023). Curriculum changes must tackle the lifelong consequences of NZ’s alarming literacy and numeracy declines. The Conversation, Auckland, NZ.
Gerald J Pruckner and Thomas Schober (2017). “Ökonomische Anreize für einen gesunden Lebensstil – wissenschaftlicher Mythos oder ernsthafte Reformoption?” Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspolitik 02/2017.
Gerald J Pruckner and Thomas Schober (2015). “Kosten und Nutzen des Gesundheitssystems – (Un-)befriedigende Antworten aus der Gesundheitsökonomie?” Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspolitik 02/2015.
Mario Schnalzenberger, Rudolf Winter-Ebmer, and Thomas Schober (2011). “Kündigung unter Strafe – Beschäftigungsförderung für Ältere in Österreich”. Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 37.3, pp. 461–470.
René Böheim and Thomas Schober (2010). “Instrumente der Arbeitsmarktförderung: Übersicht der Maßnahmen, Beschreibung der Effekte.” Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung, Landesamtsdirektion.